Like a small child I ask God, Why must I be still? His answer came back so quickly I froze, suddenly aware of my own sin. How often have you heard a parent tell a child to be still? Be still and let me wipe your face, clean a cut, tie a shoelace, or in the case of an infant change that diaper. I don't think God's responsibility as our Father is much different than that. We must be still and know His plans for us are good; His purpose for us is love. We must be still and know God's heart; be still and let God cleanse us of the deadly sins that distance us from Him. This poem is an attempt to express how our Father holds us, breaks, molds an shapes us into the likeness of His Son. Hope you will enjoy, Jeff ________________________________________ ISAIAH 64:7 No one calls on your name or strives to lay hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us and made us waste away because of our sins. STILL LIFE The canvas of a s...