
Today is a new day,
Yesterday is gone;
Live today in the grace.
Of Jesus Christ - God's Son.
This is a new day,
The past has passed away;
Trust the Lord with all your heart,
Let go of grief and pain.

Have faith, hope, and love,
The greatest being love;
Live, as long as you are living,
Surrender your heart to Jesus.
In this new day,
Peace and Strength are in the Lord;
Let courage be the captain of your heart,
As you search His Word and discover
Who it is you're living for.

A New Beginning
by Charles R. Swindoll
Read Acts 9:10--19

Regardless of what you have done, no one is beyond hope. That's the great hope
of the Christian message. No amount or depth of sin in your past can trump the
grace of God. If you question that, remember Saul, the brash Pharisee of Tarsus.
When the Lord saved him, He didn't put him on pro-bation. The other disciples
did that. No, God gave Saul a new name and, in the process, made him a new
creation. That's what makes grace so amazing! Even though your past is soiled,
anyone can find a new beginning with God. I've made the same statement
throughout my ministry: It's never too late to start doing what is right.

When Saul knelt before the living God, he finally faced the reality of his sin.
Deep within the man, Christ transformed his life, and he started doing what
was right. Grace provides that sort of new beginning. Don't get stuck on where
you were. Don't waste your time focusing on what you used to be. Remember,
the hope we have in Christ means there's a brighter tomorrow. Sins are forgiven.
Shame is cancelled out. We're no longer chained to a deep, dark pit of the past.
Grace gives us wings to soar beyond it. Could it be that you are stuck because
of something from your past? Perhaps it has pinned you to the ground with em-
barrassment, shame, and fear. You're crippled by it. The best you can do is to
limp through each day, hoping for a painless end. That way of thinking is from
the enemy, Satan. He loves to push your nose in the dirt, hoping to make you
miss the marvelous claims of grace. Don't allow him that power in your life today.

Around you are people who have no greater claim on grace than you do, and the
Lord mercifully brought them out of their pit of sin. If He could turn a Saul of
Tarsus, who was engaged in a murderous rampage, into a Paul the apostle,
who preached and lived the message of grace, He can change your life too.

Excerpted from Great Days with the Great Lives (W Publishing Group).
© by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.


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